Clenet Series III Asha - Build Number Unknown

Almost every Clenet owner knows the production sequence number or build number of the Clenet that he or she owns. It is usually in plain sight on the outside of the car.

This is uncommon in the automotive world. Ask any Toyota Camry owner what the car's build number is and you will probably get an odd look or the quick reply, "Huh?"

When a Clenet is advertised for sale through a dealership or eBay, frequently the description of the car will not include the build number. The ad writer simply does not understand the importance of this bit of information.

When a photographer posts a stunning picture of a beautiful Clenet, the build number is rarely noted.

So the list below is a plea for help. Can you identify one of these Clenets? We would really like to move each of them to the standard Series III Registry, but we need its build number to do that.

Please send your information (and photos!) to

Please note: When a Clenet is shown as being for sale, use caution. Some dealers and individual sellers may leave their ads online long after the car has actually been sold. When you find such a case, please tell us! Thanks.

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